Il Programma permette agli studenti/laureandi di accedere a tirocini formativi presso imprese, centri di formazione e ricerca di uno dei Paesi partecipanti al Programma, per lo svolgimento di attività di tirocinio a tempo pieno, riconosciute come parte integrante del piano di studi dello studente

Erasmus+ Student Mobility for Traineeship is the European Union Program that allows students to access training internships at companies, training and research centers of one of the countries participating in the Program, for the development of full-time apprenticeship activities, recognized as an integral part of the student’s study plan (after approval of the degree program at the University to which they belong).
You can make a mobility for traineeship abroad, from 2 to 12 months.
Even undergraduates can apply for traineeship. The latter will have to respond to the University call and fill in the online application before graduating; from the time of graduation, there are 12 months to carry out traineeship mobility.
The locations eligible to host a traineeship are many and varied, but some are considered ineligible and are indicated in the Program Guide:
- EU institutions and other EU bodies including specialized agencies – the complete list is available at;
- organizations that manage EU programs, such as National Agencies (to avoid possible conflicts of interest and / or double funding).
You can spend up to 12 months of mobility per traineeship for each study cycle; in the case of single-cycle study programs, students can take advantage of a mobility period of up to 24 months.
Students must be enrolled in an Institute of Higher Education, holder of ECHE, and must participate in the related Call published by the University. To ensure quality, mobility must be compatible with the student’s academic path and personal aspirations.
As a Tor Vergata student, you can apply:
- Erasmus+ NORTH-SOUTH Traineeship Consortium (internal call);
- Erasmus+ Student Traineeship (internal call)
Other opportunities:
- SEDND Consortium;
- MVNGO National HEI Consortium;
For more information, please contact the Erasmus+ Student Traineeship Office
Ufficio Erasmus+ Student Traineeship
Rettorato V Piano, Stanza 572
Via Orazio Raimondo, 18 – Roma
Tel. +39.06.72592573
Fax. +39.06.7236605